Friday, October 3, 2008


Well today is Friday and I am sitting in Kelsey's dorm while she is at class.  It is quite fun.  I have it all to myself except her roommates are in and out.  She thinks that I am bored so she thinks she is being a bad host but really she is not.  I don't know what she is talking about.  This is the best weekend I have had in a long time like seriously!  Im not kidding.  I love it. I cant wait to come to college like really I am so stoked.  The feeling of living on my own with other people just gets me so excited!  Sadly I have to wait until I graduate or else I would totally be up here right now just living the college life. There are a few things I am worried about, like not being able to find my classes or not knowing whats going on or stuff like that, or getting lost.  Other than that I think I am okay!  Well I am going to go now.. I love you all! MUAH!

Thursday/ BYU-I experiance.

Well today is Thursday and I am up at BYU-I visiting my favorite cousin Kelsey.  We are having a total blast! First she took me and mom on a tour of the campus (which is huge!) Then me and mom went to a fireside here at the John Taylor building (which is beautiful) that President Clark the president of the university spoke at.  After all that fun me and Kelsey spent 2 hours at the Clarke building in the interior design room.. I played on her computer while she did her design homework.. which was quite interesting.  Now we are sitting in her kitchen in her dorm.  Just us everyone else is asleep.  We just made banana bread at what was 11:30 but now it is 1:30 ha ha wow! We are so tired that we are like wide awake but we will be going to bed here very very shortly guaranteed.  She is such a dork but I love her.  She is freaking AWSOME man! This is probably the most interesting blog I have ever written right?  I would have to say so sadly.  Now I just don't know what to write I have surely gotten stuck.  Now I can say I know what it feels like when Kelsey says that she is trying to think of what to say next because I am totally there right now.  Well I guess it is time that I better get ready for bed! Love you all!