Monday, October 12, 2009

For Fun....

I am starting to realize that there is somewhat alot to do on campus I just haven't gotten to do it all I guess. I have done somewhat alot and somewhat not alot. Everytime there is a dance Danielle insists that we go. So I get out that way, I have met people but not alot of people. I am totally enjoying being in college it is so much fun, although it is weird to think that I only graduated like 5 months ago. I am getting ready to take my first college test. I have taken quizzes for this class and let me say some of the questions on those quizzes are pretty insane. I am still having problems with my knee and we are trying to put off me possibly getting knee surgery as long as possible. We are not sure yet if I will have to get it but if I do that is going to be horrible. Heres to hoping that I wont and there is something else that can be done.
I am starting to realize that I need a camera so that I can take pictures of all of the cool things that I see and experiance, and all of the cool people that I have met.

Here are a couple random pictures that i decided to put up

Me and Danielle were having alittle to much fun at FHE :)

For sunday afternoon session of conference me and some of my roommates came to my parents hosue for lunch and this is how we all were during the whole second session!


Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Cute pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures:) I hope you keep having fun and finding fun things to do on campus! So much has changed in the 3 years since I graduated!!

The Dillons said...

Fun! love the classic conference pic!