Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well I am sorry to report that I failed my first college test. It sucked! and I thought I was pretty prepared but I guess not. Also tonight I went to our neighbors and watched Step Up 2 The Streets and we decided to try some of the moves that they do and I took videos but sadly it was on my phone and I cant send them to my email so I can post them but boy are they funny. Then some guys in our ward Mike and Sam came over and started showing us how to do some more break dancing moves. if I can some how send them I for sure post them. well off to bed! love you all!

Monday, October 12, 2009

For Fun....

I am starting to realize that there is somewhat alot to do on campus I just haven't gotten to do it all I guess. I have done somewhat alot and somewhat not alot. Everytime there is a dance Danielle insists that we go. So I get out that way, I have met people but not alot of people. I am totally enjoying being in college it is so much fun, although it is weird to think that I only graduated like 5 months ago. I am getting ready to take my first college test. I have taken quizzes for this class and let me say some of the questions on those quizzes are pretty insane. I am still having problems with my knee and we are trying to put off me possibly getting knee surgery as long as possible. We are not sure yet if I will have to get it but if I do that is going to be horrible. Heres to hoping that I wont and there is something else that can be done.
I am starting to realize that I need a camera so that I can take pictures of all of the cool things that I see and experiance, and all of the cool people that I have met.

Here are a couple random pictures that i decided to put up

Me and Danielle were having alittle to much fun at FHE :)

For sunday afternoon session of conference me and some of my roommates came to my parents hosue for lunch and this is how we all were during the whole second session!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy October!

Hello! it has been a while so I thought I would up date whats happening. Okay so bad enough news that nothing has really changed. Still going to school and attending all my classes, I have not missed a single class and I hope to keep it that way but hey who knows. I am very happy to report that I have gotten a 100% on two of my vocab quizzes for my Humanites class now. I took one today and was very proud that I got another perfect 10 out of 10! I am again waiting t go to my Book of Mormon class, I was sitting in the cafateria or known as the Crossroads with my friend Kelsie and then the fire alarm started to go off so we had to leave and she went to her appartment and I came to the wonderful Hinkcley building although I am sitting all by myslef I am still enjoying it. I am starting to some what getting the hang of things, getting to know my teachers a tad bit more and more each time I have them. I have decided that my sicence teacher is very weird and he sounds alot like the bat on Anatasia Bartok. So if they ever did a sequal to that movie they should call up Brother Hansen to do Bartok. It snowed on Monday althought alot of people already know that becase it snowed in Idaho Falls to.. but I forgot my coat back at my parents house so I had to walk around with a small not warm at all yellow jacket on, which was my fault I am taking all the blame for it. Although my parents were kind enough to bring me my coats and my uggs that night, oh how I missed my uggs! I wear them every day now. ( well so far anyways) So we had a flour fight with some random people at the park and these were the results....

That is me and my roommates Mary and Barbara!

Me and my roommate Melissa went and took pictures of the Temple and got some really pretty ones!

well that is it for now! gotta go to class!
love you all!